Talk About Training

How Do You Talk About Your Training?

Being a student of the martial arts is a commitment to self-study. And as any serious student discovers, learning is an incremental process fraught with challenges as well as successes.

Is that how you think about yourself – as a student? Because you should. Of course you’re learning about self-defense and fitness, but also about the deeper lessons of the journey from white belt to black belt.

Halloween Safety

Halloween is one of the most fun holidays, especially for kids. Dressing up as your favorite character and free candy, what could be better? It’s also a day when general awareness of our surroundings is important. As a reminder for Halloween, and really everyday, some tips to pass on to your children:

– Always practice identifying a safe place quickly
– Practice resetting awareness as you enter new areas
– Never allow children to answer door without an adult
– Teach your children a “safety stance” and “personal fence”. Parents and teachers can readily see if there is a problem from a distance
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We recommend trick-or-treating in groups and always having an adult present. But if you have bigger kids that are going off on their own, remind them of these things:
– Always stay with the group
– Never take short-cuts in dark alleys – stay in well-lit, populated areas
– Discuss their route before they leave
– Make sure they have a cell phone and check in
– Wait to eat candy until the adults can check it

And if you’re staying home to answer the door for all the trick-or-treaters, some good reminders about all the little ones visiting: A lot of little people will be visiting your home, please be patients with them. The child who grabs more than one piece of candy may not have the fine motor skills to grab just one. The child that looks disappointed at your candy selection may have a food allergy. The child that does not say trick-or-treat or thank you may be non-verbal.

Don’t know where to go on Halloween? Here are some good lists of Halloween activities in Brooklyn and the city: