Our 2019 Back-to-School Bully Prevention Class is Here!

➡️ Space is limited…click here to register now for FREE!

Dear Brooklyn Parent, 

Hopefully you’ve been having a great summer. School will be starting soon…and bullying is on everyone’s mind these days.

(Sad to say, but it’s true.)

So while you’re getting your clothes and supplies together, we’d like to share with you just a few of the tips we teach kids here at BBJJ that help our kids start the school year smoothly.

Ready? Here we go.

  • Never walk to or from school alone.
  • Remember to always be aware. Keep your head up and always look around you.
  • Know your phone number, and how to ask for help if you need it.
  • And…stay away from bullies. Don’t hang out with them, don’t participate in teasing or ganging up on others, and if you find yourself being bullied or isolated, talk to a teacher or a parent.

We’re running a very important Bully Prevention “Back to School” Class which we’d love to have you in. It’s a 100% No-Cost Seminar for our community. And you’re invited.

We want to give as many kids as we can (and parents) tools for STOPPING bullies in their tracks. We’ll be giving away our best secrets and tactics that you and your kids can start using IMMEDIATELY.

They deal with everything from building confidence & self-esteem to avoidance-based self-defense.

The session is free – no strings attached. You can sign up by clicking here now.

You can even bring a friend if you want.

We hope you have an awesome school year and that you can make it to this really essential event.

➡️ Click here to register now for our Bully Prevention Back to School class!