How Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BBJJ) is Preparing for Reopening

As Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu prepares to reopen — with the guidance of federal, state, and local governments — we are focused on ensuring you have a safe environment in which to train. To make sure you feel confident about returning to the dojo, we have developed a detailed set of standards and procedures for each of our locations. The information below explains how Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is preparing for your return.

As more states and local areas decide to allow gyms and dojos to reopen, we want to make you fully aware of the standards you can expect at/inside Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

In addition to our new policies, our dojos have been instructed to follow all applicable federal, state, and local guidelines. While we’ve had to make some changes to our normal operating procedures, we are still committed to delivering the world class martial arts training our students know and love. Our mission – “martial arts as a vehicle for growth” – is unchanged, so we are more intent than ever about keeping you on track with your goals.

Reopening Blueprint


Student Expectations


In-Person and Online Classes

In order to maintain compliance with applicable government requirements and to maintain a safe training environment, some of our normal routines and standards will be different until restrictions are lifted.

  • In-person classes will be held on different days / times than our normal schedule and schedules will likely be modified more quickly based on demand
  • Temporary reductions in class size & seating for family members
  • Temporary reductions in class duration
  • Temporary entry and exit requirements
  • We will also be scheduling pop-up outdoor classes as often as possible based on the weather around our in-person and Zoom class schedule

All of these requirements are necessary to comply with governmental regulations, to allow for adequate social distancing, to conduct necessary COVID-related cleaning protocols between classes, and to safely get students in and out of the dojos.

In addition to the in-person classes, we will maintain dedicated Zoom classes for all students who are either unable to attend or who do not yet wish to return to live classes yet. We will also be live-streaming (via Zoom) our in-person classes.

Our Online Resources

Since closing our doors back in March, we’ve poured all our energy into sharing as many strategies, classes and activities as we can. We’ve always preached that the martial arts go well beyond what happens in the classroom, and this has been a chance to “walk the talk”. We began with our Facebook Live classes and were very happy to be able to move to live Zoom classes, where we can give in-the-moment corrections and feedback.

Facebook Groups

Please join our Facebook Groups to access all sorts of awesome content for jiu-jitsu, kickboxing and kids martial arts. You’ll find solo drills and activities gleaned over the years, as well as “Q&A” sessions covering fitness, martial arts and self-management. There are martial arts mindset messages, lessons for at-home practice and guided calisthenics, nutrition counseling and guidance around stress management during these challenging times.

BBJJ Dyker Heights: Jiu-Jitsu and Kickboxing Group • Parents/Kids Martial Arts Group

BBJJ Bensonhurst: Jiu-Jitsu and Kickboxing GroupParents/Kids Martial Arts Group

BBJJ Clinton Hill: Jiu-Jitsu and Kickboxing GroupParents/Kids Martial Arts Group

BBJJ Cobble Hill: Jiu-Jitsu and Kickboxing Group • Parents/Kids Martial Arts Group