
A daily dose of motivation.


From my perspective, if I earned and accumulated millions of dollars in cash and assets, but destroyed my health, what good would all the money do me?  If I were to go all the way to the top in the profession I have chosen, become recognized as the best in the world at what I do and in the process destroy my relationship with my wife, who is the most important person on earth to me, how happy would I be about my “success”?

If I should be enormously successful in my chosen profession but lost my children to the ravages of drugs, promiscuity and crime, just how happy and/or successful would I be?  How would it hit me if one of my children came to me and said, “Dad, if you had invested some time with me when I was growing up, giving me some of the advice you’ve given others, maybe things would have been different.  If you could have been there to awaken me in the morning and given me some of the famous pep talks you gave others; if you had been there to tuck me in at night, told me some bedtime stories, assured me of your love and answered some of the questions all children have, maybe, Dad, my life would not have turned out to be the disaster it is”?  I’ve got to tell you that I would be one more broken-hearted dad were this to happen, because I deeply love my children.  I am grateful that I have a marvelous relationship with each one, mainly because all of their lives we have spent time together, talked a lot and shared our hearts with one another.  Are you “successful”?  Do the people you love know you love them?
– Zig Ziglar