Habit of Taking Action

To achieve your best in any area of your life, you must take action… and plenty of it. If you didn’t realize this already, you wouldn’t be training in the Martial Arts – you’d be thinking about training in the Martial Arts!

Most people think before they act, and usually that’s a good thing. We know that preparation and planning are essential to success. But some people think and think and think, and never act. They fail to launch their plan into action. Sometimes it’s because they fear failure, other times they are waiting for everything to be exactly right to get started and sometimes they are just plain lazy.

*** Take Action Today Not Tomorrow! ***
People who accomplish things in this life tend to be “action oriented”. In other words,  they don’t wait…they create.
Once you decide you want to achieve or attain something, take action. If you want to be an expert or gain experience for yourself, you’ve got to be willing to be a beginner – and to start from wherever you are. Take action today and tomorrow…but don’t wait until tomorrow to get started.

Almost everyone has something they wished they’d gotten started on sooner. Maybe it was to start training in the Martial Arts sooner, maybe it was to start a diet sooner or start saving money sooner. Maybe it was an art project, or spending time with their family or starting a business. If that describes you, realize you are not alone.

Learn from your past: repeat what works and change what doesn’t. If you have a tendency to procrastinate or avoid taking action, do something – anything – to break the habit. You’ve got too much to offer to be held back by such a limited belief system.

Change your approach and take action today, not tomorrow!
It’s never too late to start, and the sooner you start…the sooner you can start to see progress, results and changes.